Monday, September 8, 2014

Esther-A Spirit of Love and Self-Control

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Esther- A Spirit of Love and Self-Control

Wow!  What an amazing story that has unfolded.  Esther is a woman of deep courage.  She exudes calmness, strength, character, and faith! 

She enters into this situation, knowing there could be setbacks.  She confronts the situation in front of the problem-Haman.  Not only that, she INVITES him in.  She holds nothing back, there are no secrets and she knows this very confrontation with the king could result in her fate. 

But does that stop her?  No.  She speaks her mind and truth flows from her.  Is she worried? I am sure there is a bit of fear creeping around inside, but does that stop her?  No, she doesn't crumble under the pressure, she rises to the call.  For she knows, this isn't mere coincidence that God put her here.  He put her there because through her, He had a great plan. 

While He used Esther to grant favor to the Jews, He uses Haman to make an example- and that example gives us hope.  A hope that He will give each person their justice.  That he lifts up the humble but lowers the proud. 

I think this is something we must remember, especially with all that is going on around the world today.  It is a scary, sick world we live in, but we have to be courageous like Esther.  And, while I pray that our lives will be spared of such horrific things, the truth is, we have Christian brothers and sisters across the ocean who are suffering.  Many of them have been told to disown Christ and if they didn't they knew the outcome, "if I perish, I perish." 

Let us pray for all believers in Christ to have courage like Esther did.

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