Sunday, September 21, 2014

2 Peter

Peter wrote this shortly before his death.  He wrote to all believers of Jesus to warn us of false teachers.  Main theme: FULL GRASP ON HALF-TRUTHS=BEWARE

Chapters 1-3

  • Because of God, I can rest. 
  •  faith-->goodness-->knowledge-->self-control-->perseverance-->godliness-->brotherly kindness-->love
  • God is everything I need
  • Live holy and godly lives.
  • be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him
  • be on guard!

1 Peter

Peter was written to Jewish Christians and other Christians who were being scattered around because of persecution.  During this time, Nero was in charge and he was an extreme leader in Christian persecution. 

1 Peter was written to remind us that we will experience pain.  It is a given in this life, on this side of heaven.  It is how we choose to respond that matters.  Our response is a choice.  We don't have to be miserable

I say this to myself.  How I decide to deal with conflict, evil, scary things, etc. is my choice.  I can go on living a miserable existence or I can stand up and trust God.  It is a choice. 

In chapter 1, I learned that because of God's great mercy and grace, He is keeping for us an inheritance in heaven.  This alone should give us enough reason to be joyful. To keep our minds focused on this heritance, we need to be obedient to Christ and do not fall into the temptations of this world or conform to evil.  We should be holy (God is holy and He lives in us.  So, if He is living in me than I, too, can be holy.) We should love one another DEEPLY.  From the heart.  And remember the word of the Lord lasts forever, even though everything else in the world will fade away. 

Chapter 2:
  • we are reminded that we shouldn't be involved in sinful things
  • remember God is the Living Stone
  • I am chosen, royal, and holy
  • I belong to God
  • Do good, but only do it for God's glory
  • Live freely, but make wise choices
  • Remember-Jesus has healed me by His wounds
Chapter 3
  • have good behavior
  • be pure
  • be reverent
  • remember that God loves a gentle, quiet spirit (this is very valuable to God)
  • be submissive to Curtis-there IS great beauty in this
  • live in harmony, be sympathetic, compassionate, and humble
  • don't be ready to attack
Remember Mandy!!! The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers.  But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.  Psalm 34:16

Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. 1 Peter 3:14

Chapter 4
  • be clear minded
  • be self controlled
  • love deeply
  • be hospitable
  • speak the very words of God
  • speak with love
  • rejoice in the participations of the sufferings of Christ
  • don't be ashamed to suffer because I am a Christian, instead praise God that I bear His name
Chapter 5
  • be eager to serve
  • be an example
  • clothe myself with humility
  • be humble
  • "cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. v.7
  • be self-controlled
  • be alert
  • resist the devil
  • stand firm!
  • remember I am not alone!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Esther-A Spirit of Love and Self-Control

Blogging through bible with GMG button

Esther- A Spirit of Love and Self-Control

Wow!  What an amazing story that has unfolded.  Esther is a woman of deep courage.  She exudes calmness, strength, character, and faith! 

She enters into this situation, knowing there could be setbacks.  She confronts the situation in front of the problem-Haman.  Not only that, she INVITES him in.  She holds nothing back, there are no secrets and she knows this very confrontation with the king could result in her fate. 

But does that stop her?  No.  She speaks her mind and truth flows from her.  Is she worried? I am sure there is a bit of fear creeping around inside, but does that stop her?  No, she doesn't crumble under the pressure, she rises to the call.  For she knows, this isn't mere coincidence that God put her here.  He put her there because through her, He had a great plan. 

While He used Esther to grant favor to the Jews, He uses Haman to make an example- and that example gives us hope.  A hope that He will give each person their justice.  That he lifts up the humble but lowers the proud. 

I think this is something we must remember, especially with all that is going on around the world today.  It is a scary, sick world we live in, but we have to be courageous like Esther.  And, while I pray that our lives will be spared of such horrific things, the truth is, we have Christian brothers and sisters across the ocean who are suffering.  Many of them have been told to disown Christ and if they didn't they knew the outcome, "if I perish, I perish." 

Let us pray for all believers in Christ to have courage like Esther did.

My Reflections on Esther

Every time God's Word is opened, there are words of encouragement, words of love, words to live by all in a timely manner that is directed at me.  It never ceases to amaze me that God knows exactly what I need to hear and by His grace and love, I am so thankful that I have the ability and freedom to read and learn from Him.

The book of Esther is such a wonderful story for the Jews.  It is, yet another example, of God not letting His people go.  I think we easily forget God's faithfulness to this people, especially with them being the target to so much hate right now and always.  But didn't God say that would happen?  Hasn't that always been included in His story (history).

I decided that in this blog, once a certain book or section came to a close, I wanted to reflect on what I took away from it.  I feel like there is so much you can get from the Bible, each and every time you read it.  I always take something new away or get reminded of something I had forgotten.  I love how it works that way. 

In Esther I learned:
  • God is faithful to His promises
  • God loves those who love Him
  • God will bless those who love Him
  • Sometimes you have to be courageous, even to the point of death
  • God will lift up the humble, but bring the proud down
  • We will all get the justice we deserve
  • God will place you in circumstances that are not just mere coincidence-He has a purpose and a plan
  • When surrounded by the right, godly company, great things can be accomplished (King Xerxes was a different man when he was around Queen Esther than when he was with Haman)
  • The company you keep is important
  • Your foolishness can destroy the other people in your life that you love (Haman's desire to kill Mordecai resulted in, not only his death, but later, the death of his sons)
There are so many instances of God hands throughout this story, even though His name isn't mentioned one time in the book of Esther.  I love how He works.  Sometimes, it is almost too incomprehensible.  God can and WILL do great things through the people who love Him.  I hope that I can have a heart like Esther!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sat Down to Drink

Currently, reading through the Book of Esther. 

Here is a run down so far. 
In Esther 1, King Xerxes is a king who gives extravagant parties and generously shares his bounty with whom ever is in attendance.  He and his guests do a lot of drinking at these things.  He threw a party that lasted 180 days + 7 more days.  While he was very drunk, he asked his queen, Queen Vashti to come down wearing only her royal crown.  Apparently, she was a looker!  And apparently, she didn't care what the king said or did, because she said NO.  Well this unraveled the king AND his officials.  They were scared...scared that she was setting a where women did not have to love, honor, respect and obey their man.  I can't even imagine how this would go down today in our day! 
Anyway, Queen Vashti was a relinquished from her duty as queen and the search was on for someone who was more worthy of this honor. 

I can't help but wonder if these requests would have been made of her if King Xerxes wasn' drunk, although after reading to chapter three I am starting to think there are not many times in his life where he might not be drinking. 

Esther 2-
Enter Esther.  Esther was an orphan.  She had no mother or father, BUT she did have a cousin, Mordecai who loved her as his own daughter and took her in to take care of her.  Now, they are in the line of the jews.  Esther was known as loyal to Mordecai and a woman who won over many a person's heart and favor.  Esther was asked to be one of the virgins that would be presented to the king after 12 months of beauty treatments.  If the king liked her she would be crowned.  However, she was just one out of MANY women who were brought into his harem.  Upon entering, she won the favor of the attendant put in charge of all the women.  Once she is presented to the king, he is smitten with her AND listens to her. 

Esther 3-
Enter Haman...not a nice guy and Mordecai knows it.  When the people are asked to bow down to him, Mordecai refuses and this infuriates Haman.  He then plots the destruction of the jews, runs his plan by the king, the king accepts the plot and sends out an edict to destroy the jews in the 12th month.  While the edict is going out to the people to tell them of their fate, the king and Haman sit and drink

And this is where it got me.  How many times do I just sit down and (fill in the blank)? How often do I turn a blind eye to the wrong being done across the world because it doesn't have a direct impact on me?  There are horrendous things going on in this world, this country, this state.  There are people dying, people killing, people pointing fingers and not taking any responsibility and I just sit down and do nothing.  A lot of my reactions are due to laziness..A LOT are due to fear.  But I don't want to be like these 2 who just sat down and let this injustice go on.  I want to take a stand.  We all need to take a stand.  We are falling deeper and deeper...and eventually we are going to fall so far under, we can't get ourselves back up.  And when that happens, we are going to wish we wouldn't have just been sitting.